Reign of Darkness Staff
2024-12-30 16:22:01
Let the countdown begin!
Some new titles have been added to the costume shop to help celebrate!
From all of RoD Staff, we wish everyone a safe and happy New Year.
Looking forward to what 2025 will bring!
News for Tue, Jan 14, 2025
Vinrandus has been slain in the forest by .
"My ego can't take much more of this bruising!" exclaims Vinrandus.
Tikaro has just walked up to Doomsayer Elasim and planted a kiss on their lips. They must really like them.
Visitor Jaehaerys has just waved at Dreamin of Sunshine, Serenity!
Lysander has earned the title Supreme Slayer for having slain Lamia 132 times!
Supreme Slayer Lysander has slain the hideous creature known as Lamia. All across the land, people rejoice!
Night Changes; Nikole has just poked Tyrnon & Keldan on the nose!
Dreamin of Sunshine, Serenity has just poked Night Changes; Nikole on the nose!
Night Changes; Nikole has started a Stare Down contest with Dreamin of Sunshine, Serenity. Who will blink first?
<CoC> before I forget // Telemaine
silently makes his way through the streets with his newest companion Dead Randal. Not unlike the mostly loyal ghost llama at his side, not a single footfall upon ground or a breath of air could be heard as he passes by, head inclined but almond hues straight ahead as he passes the crowd soundlessly like the spectral spitter that followed as he made his way back to the Woods.
Staff Online (0):
Online (10):
Night Changes; Nikole
Method in the Madness; March
Radiantly Blooming ;༊ Poppy
Fangs Without Venom; Andrew
Magiya vo T*me Zelaena
nighean an uisge Eilidhe
Sparkle & Shine, Lucilla
Under Your bed; Rarasoh