as Above; Lyrik
2024-12-30 16:22:01
Let the countdown begin!
Some new titles have been added to the costume shop to help celebrate!
From all of RoD Staff, we wish everyone a safe and happy New Year.
Looking forward to what 2025 will bring!
News for Sat, Dec 28, 2024 (Items 1 - 50 of 81)
Talon has just asked to Role Play with Regina della Musica Lyria. Hopefully things don't go sour!
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Regina della Musica Lyria's direction!
Uxorious; Axnal Sin left a card for Lethal Beauty; Naomi with but a simple message. 8321. Eight Letters, Three Words, Two People, One Meaning.
Kiss Me, I'm The Mistletoe Kazian has become known as Kazian.
Candy Cane Licker; Axnal Sin has become known as Uxorious; Axnal Sin.
Lethal Beauty; Naomi has received a stocking full of coal! They've been naughty this year.
Lethal Beauty; Naomi just gave Talon the cold shoulder! What did they do?
Talon has just poked Luminous Aurore on the nose!
Talon just stabbed Subjugator Tawnya with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Talon just stabbed Invalid Leon with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Lethal Beauty; Naomi's direction!
Merry Bloody Chrstmas Kaelan has just walked up to Luminous Aurore and planted a kiss on their lips. They must really like them.
Talon just stabbed As the Crow Flies; Vengeance with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Slow Down SnakeCharmer's direction!
Luminous Aurore has just walked up to Merry Bloody Chrstmas Kaelan and planted a kiss on their lips. They must really like them.
Talon just stabbed Invalid Nepharian with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Delusional Sibel's direction!
Candy Cane; Naomi has become known as Lethal Beauty; Naomi.
Violet has given Talon a gift for the holidays! How sweet!
Talon just stabbed Siren Prince Meriwyn with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Violet's direction!
Violet was smacked in the face by a broken tombstone Questing Knight Agustas Saint Therion in Greater Regions and found unconscious.
Detective Oscar Sharpe was smacked in the face by a broken tombstone by Violet in Greater Regions and found unconscious.
Supreme Slayer Lysander should learn to look where they are going, they were defeated by Violet in Lumeria .
Violet has earned the title Ultimate Slayer for having slain Lamia 232 times!
Violet has slain the hideous creature known as Lamia. All across the land, people rejoice!
Oh my! Elena has just winked in Talon's direction!
Sparkle & Shine, Lucilla has just cuddled up on a bench with Seven.
Oh my! Violet has just winked in Seven's direction!
Of Greed & Envy: Elrun was smacked in the face by a broken tombstone by Violet in Greater Regions and found unconscious.
Visitor Jaehaerys was smacked in the face by a broken tombstone by Violet in Greater Regions and found unconscious.
Violet crushed the Spelling Bee to death!
Seven surprised Violet with some holiday cheer!
Tempestuous Tristram was smacked in the face by a broken tombstone by Violet in Greater Regions and found unconscious.
Seven has just cuddled up on a bench with Sparkle & Shine, Lucilla.
Talon just stabbed Invalid Balbulus with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Sinful ❀ Flower; Poppy has just waved at Talon!
Talon just stabbed SoulThief Anna with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Sinful ❀ Flower; Poppy's direction!
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Sparkle & Shine, Lucilla's direction!
Talon has defeated his master, Gorgon to advance to level 3 after 334 days!!
Talon has defeated his master, Nessus to advance to level 2 after 334 days!!
Talon was hunted down by their master, Nessus, for being truant.
Talon lost in a Spelling Bee to a Chicken!
Talon just stabbed Maelstrom Lysithea with a dull knife. Did it hurt?
Oh my! Talon has just winked in Play the Bone Drums, Victoria's direction!
Oh my! Talon has just winked in 👻 Here for the Boos; Tallulah's direction!
Talon has been resurrected by Charon.
Talon escaped the Underworld by slaying a powerful and vile fiend!
Talon has been slain in the forest by .
"The Healer's Hut can't help you now, Talon!" chides Windan The Barbarian.
Arcane Tinkerer Asher says, "...Narsty."
Staff Online (0):
Online (2):
The Corruptor, Pallas
Sparkle & Shine, Lucilla