Reign of Darkness Staff
2024-12-30 16:22:01
Let the countdown begin!
Some new titles have been added to the costume shop to help celebrate!
From all of RoD Staff, we wish everyone a safe and happy New Year.
Looking forward to what 2025 will bring!
News for Mon, Jan 20, 2025 (Items 51 - 55 of 55)
Visitor Jaehaerys has just waved at Method in the Madness; March!
Method in the Madness; March has just waved at Guilty Pleas...ures, Sash!
Sparkling; Charlene has become known as Shimmering; Charlene.
Charlene has become known as Sparkling; Charlene.
PHP Warning: "Variable passed to each() is not an array or object"
in /home/reign/public_html/news.php at 75.
Call Stack: 2: each(false) called from /home/reign/public_html/news.php on line 75
PHP Warning: "sprintf(): Too few arguments"
in /home/reign/public_html/lib/translator.php at 107.
Call Stack:2: sprintf("%s`^ has become known as ...") called from on line 3: call_user_func_array("sprintf", Array(0=>"%s`^ has become known as ..." )) called from /home/reign/public_html/lib/translator.php on line 1074: sprintf_translate("%s`^ has become known as ...") called from on line 5: call_user_func_array("sprintf_translate", Array(0=>"%s`^ has become known as ..." )) called from /home/reign/public_html/news.php on line 78
Citizen Nathanael
pushes a hand truck around his shop, loaded with newly arrived used books. He shelves the books according to his own highly scientific system of jamming them into any open slot he can find in roughly that correct section. He ponders for a moment over a field guide to fossils, and eventually sticks it into the music section next to Keith Richards's autobiography. "Ancient rocks, ancient rock, close enough..."
Staff Online (0):
Online (12):
Ashen Monarch; Noctis
Spiked Eggnog and Mistletoe John Dulkir
Night Changes; Nikole
Visitor Jaehaerys
Mistress of the Night Reina Lockheart
in somnis veritas; Sunniva
Drifter Tomoko
Little Love; Lucilla
Under Your bed; Rarasoh
Method in the Madness; March