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Sitename: Reign of Darkness RPG
Site url: http://reignofdarknessrpg.com
Description: Come join us at Reign of Darkness, an RPGfor the serious and mature roleplayer. Vampires, lycans, magic and more. Come and make your own supernatural experience. You're not limited here, let your imagination run wild and free!
Likewise, if you would like your site to be considered for our exchange page, then please send us your details in a petition.
Quote:Cheyennemakes her way to a bench, sprawling out on it face down where she proceeded to count the blades of grass. "Zero... Zero..." Fuck, there was still snow.
Staff Online (0): None
Online (14): Aspen Fractured John Dulkir Found My Way; Charlene Elena Winston Sister of the Moon; Lydia Puppeteer; Noelle Little Starlight, Lucilla The Metal Archon;Truth Invalid Indra Demonic Entity Ellie Clarvăzător Alethea Hayle What is Love